Thursday, December 25, 2008

She did it

Monday, December 22, 2008
She did it
She climbed the flight and a half of stairs with the help of a friend and two canes. It was a long struggle to do it. She reached the top. We talked about faith. Did she believe that God/Universe could heal her? Did she have faith it could happen in that room? After a short talk assuring me that her faith was strong, I took her hands and opened to God. I felt the loving wash of source come through my body........She stood. She walked ten feet forward. I asked if she wanted to see something cool. She said yes. "Look where your canes are" I motioned. She turned and saw them ten feet away. She cried. She walked the fifteen feet from there to the stairs. I asked how she felt. "Like I can fly" she responded. She walked down the stairs, one foot in front of the other. At the bottom the people applauded. My friend Holly retrieved the canes for her from upstairs. The Joy on her face is why I do what I do.
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You

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