Thursday, December 25, 2008

Another moment

Another moment
This year my life has been hectic to say the least. I have been working several jobs at once to try and catch up. I find myself falling back onto things that have supported me in the past. I also find myself unsatisfied by the experience. This past weekend I had yet again a moment of clarity. I spoke to the Ohio Metaphysical Society. The speech yielded the groups highest attendance, more potential speeches, and most importantly many healings. I return to my life as is and find that the clarity of the path ahead makes my present location on the path less desirable. It is precisely at these moments,the moments of greatest disatisfaction, that you can make giant leaps in your life.
I look ahead and see the future, the model I am bringing to my life. I focus on it and realize, for that reality to be this reality I must let go of present conditions. We sometimes build velvet cages. We are comfortable in them, we think of them as home and yet we can not fly and be free. Though they are velvety and comfortable, they are still cages. eventually you want to fly to something new. I am setting a goal today: January 2009 I will be supported by speaking.
Recognize your cage as a cage. Cages are not in motion. Cages sit stagnant. Cages do not let your wings stretch or your dreams fly. Pick the lock jump into the air and fly. The hands of god will lift you and you will soar to the greatest heights. Do what fills you and the Universe will support you.
Thank you
Thank you

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