Thursday, December 25, 2008


Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Our societies have been molded by adherance to religious beliefs, ceremonies and dogmas. As we come to an age where we have the opportunity to set aside many of the limitations of our structures, those who fear change will, no doubt rebel. Thus we have the hypocrisy of fundamentalists who kill to stop the killing through abortion and equally the individuals who strap bombs to themselves and walk into crowded markets. I believe one of the villians in the devastation caused by such acts is the various dogmas of religions.
Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you". That being said, the outer ceremonies and rituals are unneccessary. I was recently invited to be involved in a large scale event know as the "Dance of Oneness". As I delve deeper into the event I realize that many of the "New Age" groups are just creating a whole new set of rituals, ceremonies and dogma. It is the enlightenment of the Masses that will bring the kingdom of heaven here to earth, but it is not through standing in some form of geometric ceremony that will do it.
If in Fact, "God is Love," than the pathway to God is through the words of the Avatars of the past. The one who summed it up best,I believe, was Jesus when he commanded us to ,"Love One Another". The pathway to God is through the very act of being Love. Embody it, Feel it, Give it freely, Enjoy the feeling of it and realize that it IS God. We do not need more Dogma as many of the New Age groups are creating. If anything we need less. Love is Beautiful.

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