Thursday, December 25, 2008

Inconvenient Miracles

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Inconvenient Miracles
As we travel through our lives we feel we have set backs, we get dis-couraged. We do not realize that each set back has a reason for happening. I am not talking of fate or destiny as I believe we create our world with our source as we go along. We do, however, get what we ask for. I posted that I was driving to Maryland. I left Ohio with every intention of doing just that. I drove and drove and found myself about two hours from my final destination. As I was cresting the last big mountain before reaching Frederick Maryland my car began to sputter. I looked down to notice I had forgotten to get gas at my normal stop and was slowing down and I drifted to the shoulder. At that moment the vehicles that were to the left of me raced by. Three hundred feet in front of me they collided sending one pick up truck flipping end over end until it came to a rest in the trees on the shoulder. I looked up into my mirror and saw that a vehicle behind me in trying to avoid the oncoming accident lost control and was spinning toward me off on the shoulder. It came to rest five feet behind me. Had I not run out of gas at that precise moment, I would have been in the middle of the accident ahead of me. Had I drifted any less I would have been hit by the vehicle behind me . My intention was to get to my destination. In stating it I put a universal plan in action. Conveniently forgetting to get gas where I get gas every time I drive that route was part of the plan. Running out of gas left me waiting for AAA to come. After two and a half hours they came and I got back on my way. Over the next fifteen miles, traffic was at a stand still or slowly crawling around the dozens of accidents on the road. The mountain had been hit by a massive ice storm and the crest of the mountain was the beginning. I ran out of gas just before the crest. I got moving after the salt truck came through and melted the ice. I sit here in Maryland looking back at an inconvenient miracle that lets me sit here writing this blog and realized that, as usual, I got exactly what I asked for.
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You

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