Thursday, December 25, 2008

Peter Pan had it right!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Peter Pan had it right!
Peter Pan had it right when he said, " All you have to do is think a happy thought and you can fly." There is an exericise we do in acting where you have a person imagine themselves to be a tree when you attempt to lift them off the ground it is very difficult. When they imagine themselves in flight they are much easier to lift. If you watch a person who is in a depressed state of mind that person will feel heavier and are in fact harder to lift. Whereas someone in a positive state of mind is easy to lift.
When we are in fear of any kind we are in a heavy place. When we are in love we can almost fly. Back in the sixties and seventies they would use terms like, "That's heavy," or, "That's a drag" when we heard negative news. Happiness is joy state, Joy state is Love State, Love state is divinity/ Universe/ Source/ God. The interesting thing is we get to choose what we invest our time in. I choose positivity and love for all. See you in the clouds.

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