Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Advent of an Avatar

Thursday, December 25, 2008
The Advent of an Avatar
Today is the day selected to honor a great man. It is a man who reached enlightenment. A man who did miraculous things, and who showed us our potential. This Man embodied Love and told us to Love One Another. His greatest gift to us was his life. He lived the life that we are all capable of. He did it through faith, faith in God and self. He embraced his oneness with God/ Universe and the laws of physics bent to his faith. Healings, manifestations, divine wisdom, apparitions, and thousands of followers were normal. Yet he never lost sight of his purpose. His purpose was us. To show us the Way, The Truth, and The Life we were all meant to live. He did it gloriously and I thank him. Love is Joy. Have a Joyful, Wonderful Day. Love One Another. I Love You All. Merry Christmas!!

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