Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Advent of an Avatar

Thursday, December 25, 2008
The Advent of an Avatar
Today is the day selected to honor a great man. It is a man who reached enlightenment. A man who did miraculous things, and who showed us our potential. This Man embodied Love and told us to Love One Another. His greatest gift to us was his life. He lived the life that we are all capable of. He did it through faith, faith in God and self. He embraced his oneness with God/ Universe and the laws of physics bent to his faith. Healings, manifestations, divine wisdom, apparitions, and thousands of followers were normal. Yet he never lost sight of his purpose. His purpose was us. To show us the Way, The Truth, and The Life we were all meant to live. He did it gloriously and I thank him. Love is Joy. Have a Joyful, Wonderful Day. Love One Another. I Love You All. Merry Christmas!!

She did it

Monday, December 22, 2008
She did it
She climbed the flight and a half of stairs with the help of a friend and two canes. It was a long struggle to do it. She reached the top. We talked about faith. Did she believe that God/Universe could heal her? Did she have faith it could happen in that room? After a short talk assuring me that her faith was strong, I took her hands and opened to God. I felt the loving wash of source come through my body........She stood. She walked ten feet forward. I asked if she wanted to see something cool. She said yes. "Look where your canes are" I motioned. She turned and saw them ten feet away. She cried. She walked the fifteen feet from there to the stairs. I asked how she felt. "Like I can fly" she responded. She walked down the stairs, one foot in front of the other. At the bottom the people applauded. My friend Holly retrieved the canes for her from upstairs. The Joy on her face is why I do what I do.
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You


Friday, December 19, 2008
As I have said in an earlier blog, I am facinated by words. They are how we express ourselves, communicate, and manifest. I often say that we need to be careful what we ask for because the universe starts creating as soon as we ask or declare. When we declare with words like 'need' or 'want' God gives us need or want. The interesting thing is that words like 'hope' can slow our manifestation process. When we 'hope' for something it means it is in a future moment and not the present. we can only receive in the present so focusing on the future timeline can actually keep your dreams ahead of you as opposed to coming to fruition. Words like ,'I AM' are present timeline which is why when we ask God/ Universe we should always ask in the present tense so we can receive it here. Besides God's name according to Moses is I AM. Just a thought.

Peter Pan had it right!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Peter Pan had it right!
Peter Pan had it right when he said, " All you have to do is think a happy thought and you can fly." There is an exericise we do in acting where you have a person imagine themselves to be a tree when you attempt to lift them off the ground it is very difficult. When they imagine themselves in flight they are much easier to lift. If you watch a person who is in a depressed state of mind that person will feel heavier and are in fact harder to lift. Whereas someone in a positive state of mind is easy to lift.
When we are in fear of any kind we are in a heavy place. When we are in love we can almost fly. Back in the sixties and seventies they would use terms like, "That's heavy," or, "That's a drag" when we heard negative news. Happiness is joy state, Joy state is Love State, Love state is divinity/ Universe/ Source/ God. The interesting thing is we get to choose what we invest our time in. I choose positivity and love for all. See you in the clouds.

Spiritual Math

Monday, December 15, 2008
Spiritual Math
A woman in Texas asked me an interesting question. " Can you explain the trinity?" she asked. I began to hear words forming in my head and as usual I just spoke the words I heard, "One Plus One Equals One (1+1=1). There is your consciousness; there is God's consciousness; and there is the combined higher self consciousness". You are the Christ. You are the Buddha, You are the Krishna, You are the Mohammed. Each of these individuals said the same as well. Each was here to empower the individual. Living by example, each showed us the path of our potential. Nothing is impossible to the one who believes it to be so. Live life with the faith and knowledge that you are limitless. As the Torah says and Jesus quotes ,'Ye are Gods"


Thoughts become things. This statement is true and has been so since the dawn of consciousness. Thought is the beginning of creation. Declaration of thought is the stone thrown in the pond that creates the ripples of potential. Choice is focused thought put into action. Gratitude is faith, which brings the culmination of thought.
Thoughts are prayers. The pond of potential is God/ Universe/ Goddess. It is an unlimited pond with unlimited resources and unlimited potentials. The limits placed upon it are ours. Our faith in what CAN be achieved mark the limits of our faith. The mark of your past faith is where you stand now. The experience you want is just a thought away.
As we live in residuals, the continuing to choose a thought until it is in our hands is the manifestation process. Be grateful first, choose the outcome, Declare with," I AM" and receive your desires.
"The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks." -- Jesus
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him". --Buddha
"Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is" --The Bhagavad Gita

Inconvenient Miracles

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Inconvenient Miracles
As we travel through our lives we feel we have set backs, we get dis-couraged. We do not realize that each set back has a reason for happening. I am not talking of fate or destiny as I believe we create our world with our source as we go along. We do, however, get what we ask for. I posted that I was driving to Maryland. I left Ohio with every intention of doing just that. I drove and drove and found myself about two hours from my final destination. As I was cresting the last big mountain before reaching Frederick Maryland my car began to sputter. I looked down to notice I had forgotten to get gas at my normal stop and was slowing down and I drifted to the shoulder. At that moment the vehicles that were to the left of me raced by. Three hundred feet in front of me they collided sending one pick up truck flipping end over end until it came to a rest in the trees on the shoulder. I looked up into my mirror and saw that a vehicle behind me in trying to avoid the oncoming accident lost control and was spinning toward me off on the shoulder. It came to rest five feet behind me. Had I not run out of gas at that precise moment, I would have been in the middle of the accident ahead of me. Had I drifted any less I would have been hit by the vehicle behind me . My intention was to get to my destination. In stating it I put a universal plan in action. Conveniently forgetting to get gas where I get gas every time I drive that route was part of the plan. Running out of gas left me waiting for AAA to come. After two and a half hours they came and I got back on my way. Over the next fifteen miles, traffic was at a stand still or slowly crawling around the dozens of accidents on the road. The mountain had been hit by a massive ice storm and the crest of the mountain was the beginning. I ran out of gas just before the crest. I got moving after the salt truck came through and melted the ice. I sit here in Maryland looking back at an inconvenient miracle that lets me sit here writing this blog and realized that, as usual, I got exactly what I asked for.
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You


Thursday, November 27, 2008
I sit here on my couch and look across at the plant in the corner. A year ago I bought the plant. It was beautiful and lush. I brought it home, repotted it, and placed it in the corner. It began to turn brown. I continued to water it regulary and it began to respond. Over the year I have trimmed away the dead, the leaves of the past, and continued to water. My intention was to watch it grow and flourish. I was thankful for the plant and in thanks I continued to nurture it, knowing full well that it would respond.
I sit here on my couch and look across at the plant in the corner. five new leaves, each in a different stage of growth look back. The dead is gone. The plant is healthy. I am thankful for all that I have. I am thankful for all I will have. I know that gratitude is the first step in manifestation. Happy Thanksgiving to all. Keep your eyes on your dreams and be thankful for their existance and know full well they will be achieved.
Thank You
Thank You
Thank You

People and stuff

People and stuff
I am finding as I walk down the path of my life that as each person I meet tends to have the next stepping stone to my destination. Each person is from God with a message or help for each of us. Once they have fullfilled their mission with us, the relationship can turn stagnant or even negative. God Bless them. Always love them for their help. Always be a friend. Know that it is O.K. to see the situation as a moving on point. Contiunue down the path, stay present and move forward. No bridge has to be burned, but nothing says you have to walk across that bridge. If you are not in motion, you grow stagnant. I am in motion and am thankful for it.
PS.--- I know that some people who read this will think I am talking of certain people. I tell you this: Nobody on myspace knows the person I am talking about.

What can I say?

What can I say?
I have just returned from yet another Texas trip. This time it was a series of events each as important as the next.
Friday- Arrived in Austin Texas Spoke at the home of my good friends Anup and Stacy. Managed a couple of healings in the mix.
Saturday- Arrived in Houston for a book signing event. Saturday night Book release party at Vintropolis (a wine bar)
Sunday - Spoke at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE) the Edgar Cayce foundation. Very well recieved.
Monday- Healings at Metaphysical Matrix from 11am to 9pm (18 in all)
Tuesday- Healings at Centerpoint Metaphysical Center from 10 am to 4pm (11 in all) Tuesday night spoke at Centerpoint Metaphysical center.
I witnessed many miraculous healings-- two ladies came in on walkers and walked out on their own legs. One came back because she forgot her cane. One had a racing heart that slowed to normal in under a minute. Many went into deep trance for more than ten minutes. One had a life long breathing disorder cured instantly. I watched as people were transformed by their healing experience.
What can I say? I say I am always amazed by the power of God/Universe that works these miracles. I am in awe of the people with faith to recieve the healings. I feel blessed to be able to experience the energy that passes through me. I am grateful for the life I live. The amazing thing in all of this is we each have the potential to be healer or healed. It all stands on belief...on faith, your faith.
Thank You
Thank You
Thak You

Another moment

Another moment
This year my life has been hectic to say the least. I have been working several jobs at once to try and catch up. I find myself falling back onto things that have supported me in the past. I also find myself unsatisfied by the experience. This past weekend I had yet again a moment of clarity. I spoke to the Ohio Metaphysical Society. The speech yielded the groups highest attendance, more potential speeches, and most importantly many healings. I return to my life as is and find that the clarity of the path ahead makes my present location on the path less desirable. It is precisely at these moments,the moments of greatest disatisfaction, that you can make giant leaps in your life.
I look ahead and see the future, the model I am bringing to my life. I focus on it and realize, for that reality to be this reality I must let go of present conditions. We sometimes build velvet cages. We are comfortable in them, we think of them as home and yet we can not fly and be free. Though they are velvety and comfortable, they are still cages. eventually you want to fly to something new. I am setting a goal today: January 2009 I will be supported by speaking.
Recognize your cage as a cage. Cages are not in motion. Cages sit stagnant. Cages do not let your wings stretch or your dreams fly. Pick the lock jump into the air and fly. The hands of god will lift you and you will soar to the greatest heights. Do what fills you and the Universe will support you.
Thank you
Thank you


Sunday, May 25, 2008
I do not believe in War. I do believe in Peace. I do not believe in Hate. I believe in Love. Tomorrow is a day of memorial. Though I do not believe in war I believe in courage. I believe in self sacrifice. Around the world at this very moment are men and women who selflessly volunteered to go wherever told to defend you and I . Though I may not believe in the wars they fight or the reasons for fighting them, I do acknowledge thier service and their bravery in volunteering blindly, in laying down their lives, in protecting freedom and my right to believe what I wish. God love them. God protect them. And God help us create a world where no one needs to protect us from anything. On this memorial day let us give respect to those who have passed. More importantly let us remember the ones still with us, still defending us, still in harm's way. Let us do what we can to make a better world for them so they can lay down their arms and relax.

Ask and you shall receive....anything

Ask and you shall receive....anything
I have a firm belief in a loving God. I do not believe in a judgemental God who desires to be feared. The Apostle John said that," God is Love". It was said that, "whatsoever you wish Ask in God's name and it is granted". But what is God's name? If we look back to the Old Testament, Moses climbed the mountain and reache dthe top. On the top he spoke to God in the form of a burning bush. At the end of the conversation Moses asked the bush for the name and God responded, "I Am".
When you declare your state you are directly connecting with God. In stating " I Am sick" or "I Am poor" you are in fact asking in God's name for the state which you declare in his/her name. When you focus on becoming healthy you are in fact declaring that you are sick. Declare that you are healthy and God will grant your request. It was never said," Ask and if I feel you deserve it I'll give it to you" The thing that brings what you wish is not the declaration, but the faith in the declaration. You have to hold faith that the statement you are declaring is true.
If you are currently sick then declare that you are healed. "Thank you God/ Universe I AM healed." Make that declaration everyday with true faith and Thank the divine source for the healing. When you thank someone for getting a glass of water for you, the "thank you" actually completes the transaction on your side. So complete your transaction with God. Have faith in your state of health and YOU shall receive it. Do not concern yourself with "how". Because when you concern yourself with, "How" you are stating that it has not happened and it can't because you are stating that you don't know how. God knows and that is enough. Just put faith in that it is and in the words of Paul McCartney "Let it be".


Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Our societies have been molded by adherance to religious beliefs, ceremonies and dogmas. As we come to an age where we have the opportunity to set aside many of the limitations of our structures, those who fear change will, no doubt rebel. Thus we have the hypocrisy of fundamentalists who kill to stop the killing through abortion and equally the individuals who strap bombs to themselves and walk into crowded markets. I believe one of the villians in the devastation caused by such acts is the various dogmas of religions.
Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is within you". That being said, the outer ceremonies and rituals are unneccessary. I was recently invited to be involved in a large scale event know as the "Dance of Oneness". As I delve deeper into the event I realize that many of the "New Age" groups are just creating a whole new set of rituals, ceremonies and dogma. It is the enlightenment of the Masses that will bring the kingdom of heaven here to earth, but it is not through standing in some form of geometric ceremony that will do it.
If in Fact, "God is Love," than the pathway to God is through the words of the Avatars of the past. The one who summed it up best,I believe, was Jesus when he commanded us to ,"Love One Another". The pathway to God is through the very act of being Love. Embody it, Feel it, Give it freely, Enjoy the feeling of it and realize that it IS God. We do not need more Dogma as many of the New Age groups are creating. If anything we need less. Love is Beautiful.


Wednesday, April 23, 2008
India (Times of Need)
I am amazed in my life when the Universe/God puts you in the path of amazing people and experiences. My good friend found himself in a time of need. what was most amazing was his need was a need to serve. His brother was ill with a poor prognosis. Having been healed through me himself My friend tried to arrange for me to visit his brother and offer healing to him.
Schedules did not permit an extended stay and the trip was put off for almost a year. As time passed the prognosis got worse. My friend, whose name is Anup, called to see if the schedule could be moved forward if only for a short trip to his brother. I agreed and plans were set in motion for a trip to India. Anup's brother was in great pain. After many days of attaining visas, adjusting sleep schedules and packing for a short trip I was on the way to the airport.
After my first flight to New York's JFK airport I boarded a flight for Dheli with a short layover in Brussels. Before boarding the flight I took off my shoes and switched to my Croc flip flops which drew some funny looks at JFK where it was in the forties outside. I climbed aboard the flight and slipped quickly into sleep as I had deprived myself of sleep so I could sleep early on the flights as I would have two eight hour flights and then arrive in India at midnight losing ten and a half hours in flight.
I arrived in Brussels where I had a two hour layover and worked my way to my gate and sat down, meditated and started reading a book given me by a friend called ,"The Gospel of John in light of Indian Mysticism" a facinating read. As I sat a couple came looking for two seats together and as none were to be found I quickly gave them my seat as I had a single empty beside me and I moved to the floor. They in typical Indian fashion were almost pleading with me to take one of the seats. I have found the Indians to be some of the most caring, compassionate, and loving people I have had the priviledge of meeting. The time came and I boarded my next flight into Dheli.
The flight landed and I made my way to the front of the plane. After a brief stop in customs and Passport control I exited the baggage area and found myself in an area where hundreds of people were standing in crowds waiting for arrivals. I felt a little like a scene from Sesame Street ,"One of these things is not like the Others..." to say I stood out was an understatement. here I stood a few inches taller than anyone in the room, pale skinned, bald with a pointy beard dressed all in black. and looking about for Anup who arrived the day before. after missing each other a couple of times Anup walked up to me and gave me a big hug thnke dme for coming and I thanked him for arranging it and off we went to our taxi to go to Anup's Parent's home.
Racing through the streets of Dheli is an adventure in itself. Most of the roads are marked with three lanes which at no point during the entire trip did I see anyone pay attention to them. At one point Anup asked a driver what the lines were for and the driver did not know. His response was ,"It's probably for the buses". We laughed heartily.
We arrived at Anup's Parent's house and was greeted by his wobnderful mother who I had had the priviledge of meeting in the States on a previous occasion. Her smile greeted me warmly and soon my stomach was greeted by a generous portion of homemade Indian food. I don't care what culture you are in Mom's food is always the best. As it was midnight We were all quickly off to bed. I rested my head on a fold out couch in the living room and was out as soon as it hit the pillow.
I slept solidly throught he night and awoke to Anup and his mother carefully being quiet as to not disturb me, but my sleep was done, and I sat up and began to meditate. I was out for about twenty minutes and came up from the deep places. Opening my eyes I see Anup walking through the room. He looks across at me and I gesture for him to come over. ANup had received a healing of his feet while I was in Austin Texas and he had a mild relapse of his condition. So the day started with working on Anup's feet.
When I open myself to God and his/her unconditional Love I am always amazed at the pure bliss I experience. This was something that has become common and I thank God everyday for it.
That day I was introduced to one of Anup's brother's, his wife and their beautiful children, who ended up being my play friends as I swordfighted the young boy with inflatable "swords" and the little girl thoughtthat the toy chest needed to be emptied one item at a time and given to me. It was wonderful, children are so accepting. Anup and I got up and took a short walk to a nearby park with his niece. Upon arriving back at the apartment Anup's Uncle had arrived for a healing. As I looked at him I could see that he was a man who has a very strong open connection to his spiritual nature. His aura was brilliant but directly above his head there was a stoppage. He had consciously shut off. We worked on him. I say we, to me my only part in this process is to willingly give myself as a doorway for the higher source to work through. I experience it as a feeling that fills me up and sometimes will put me to sleep most of the time it charges me up.
As I say I am blessed to experience the Love of God for those being healed, but it is always the faith of the person being healed that will make the healing happen. So even though the Love is there if the person does not put faith in the healing then it will not happen. I also find that many people will take time and heal over days or weeks it all depends on what time frame they put their faith in. Though I felt a release from Anup's Uncle he did not have an instanteneous healing and so his faith was tested. I believe he will experience the healing he wants his timeframe is his own.
Over the next few days, we had twenty people come for healings several had instant healings several had the healing second day. We went and saw many wonderful sights The Swaminarayan Temple, The Ba'hai Lotus Temple several Akshardhams and even an art exhibit. We came to India for a specific reason however. Anup's brother.
He was a methodically minded man with a healthy critism of healing. He arrived at the house along with a beautiful new wife who you could see the concern on her face for him. He was stern looking as he entered obviously in pain. with a stiffness in his body and a bend in his posture he made his way around the room and since they were arriving late in the evening went almost straight to bed
The first session with him was interesting in my mind as I felt he had it in his mind how it would go. I asked Anup to assist in the healing as I know that Anup wishes to make his life a spiritual path. I knew he would feel healing energy come through and I was sure he had the faith to recognize it and be able to heal many himself. We worked on his brother and felt a flow, but I cannot say it knocked my socks of as many other healings had done. The day continued and he did not feel relief. I never saw him smile.
The second session was different, rather than let him guide the session I asked him to sit in front of me and just hold my hands. I felt a flow of energy as my crown opened. I felt compelled to ask him if he belived God could heal him. He answered without reservation, "Yes I do". With That I felt a rush of energy from him into me and out through my head.Then the strong Energy of the unconditional Love of God washed down through me and to him.
I asked him to lay on his stomach and I had Anup work on his back. Placing my and on Anup's I felt as God's love came from this man's loving brother to him. I was then prompted to go to his feet and work from there. After which I told him that the healing was there for his taking but he had to have the faith to take it. He had to lay down the burdens of his mind that were slowly paralyzing him with fear. Anup and I finished and left him lying on the balcony in the sun. after twenty minutes he returned. I asked God for some sign that he would recover and as he walked in the door he smiled.
Throughout the night he continued to smile and then I heard the sweetest sound of the trip, he laughed and then laughed some more. Anup had the gift of getting his brother laughing and within that smile was the healing energy of God doing it's work all the more. He laughed until he could hardly breath. It was a beautiful sight, which I will never forget.
That night I was asked to speak and most of the healings happened then but during the speech I was called to deliver some personal messages in a broader way and found myself delivering God's words clearly and was in awe of his/her eloquence.
On my flight home I had yet another healing to perform on the plane.but I arrived home to Ohio and for a few days let the events of my trip sink in. I tahnk God for allowing me to do the work and hope that I can always serve without delay.