Monday, April 27, 2009

Your direct connection to Source

I am a firm believer that God/ Universe is Love. Love is the positive state. I also believe that we were given fear as a tool to experience Love fully. That all being said, I one time while watching a fireworks display, saw the world go into slow motion. This phenominon is not uncommon. Many people speak of moments during car accidents when thy can see the world go into slow motion. I watched as the fireworks drifted apart from it's center explosion and I heard a voice. The Voice said, "I come within a smile." I realized that when we are truly happy, joyful we smile and behind that smile is a feeling and that felling has no pain, no fear, no stress. It is completely open and relaxed. It is the source within us when it is not effected by our personal fears. It is our true and highest self.

There is a moment in meditation when you can literally watch your body breath itself. It that moment there is a realization. We don't breath our bodies. If we did we woud be focused twenty four hours a day, seven days a week month after month and year after year. When we breath deep and relax our muscles in the exhale we reach the same state as in a smile. Consciously breath that good feeling up to your head on your next inhale and feel the same feeling as a smile right there in your deep breath. Most religions mention the breath as divine. In Christianity, after the resurrection Jesus, in the upper chamber, breathed upon his deciples. The Source/God/ Universe is within you, now, in this moment. You are one with it. and all you have to do is breath or smile to feel your connection to the divine. If you feel negative (Sad, mad, etc.)that is your fear. Recognize it as fear and release it. Surround your self with the positive state and you will be surrounded with more of the same.

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