Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love is NEVER wrong

As I have said on numerous occasions I believe fully that God is Love. It is written in the Book of John. That being said I also believe that Love is never wrong. I recently was speaking with a minister at a holistic center where I was speaking. He was quite offended that the center had ,"Homosexual paraphernalia" I asked him what the problem was and he responded that it was a sin. I asked him where he got that information. "Sodom and Gemorrah," was his answer. I asked him to elaborate he couldn't give me a straight answer especially when i expressed that the translation he was using was from the middle ages over a thousand years after the bible was written.

The earliest translation of the Old testament is known as the Septuagint when translated today the line that eventually is translated into "bring them out that we may have sex with them" is translated as, "bring them out to us that we may be with them." The minister had no argument that the book had been translated numerous times. Translations upon translations upon translations many times from the new translators perspective. Have you ever played the telephone game?

In my life I have known many homosexual men and woman. I have known some really wonderful homosexuals and some really troubled ones as well. I have also known some really wonderful straight people and some really troubled ones as well. We are all the same. We all want the same things. We all want Love. The Minister wanted to be right. He wanted to judge. That is where the minister gets his respect. Respect is how he receives love. He also wants love.

Is Homosexuality natural or an anomaly? In all honesty I don't care. As long as the people involved are loving, not doing hurtful or fearful acts upon another. Love is never wrong. As far as it being a "sin," as I have said before the word,"sin," was translated from three different languages In ancient Hebrew it translates as ,"Guilt." In ancient Aramaic it translates as," failure" and in ancient Greek,"To miss the Mark." Each or these translations is a perception of fear. Each is based upon the condition that our self worth is in question. Each is the fear of not being loved.

I wonder if that minister read in the bible," Love One another" it can't be translated any other way. I love ALL of you.

1 comment:

  1. i believe, if i am understanding correctly, j would often teach and then leave the disciples alone to consider what he had said--to find the truth in it for themselves. As in, find it is your own hearts, and secure yourself to God.

    The problem with dogma is that it precludes reason. It stops short of fulfilling itself and is thereby off the mark. Being full of half truths makes one half empty. You must be fully empty to learn anew; that is, no ideas from the past.

    That gives us this opportunity now and in every now moment to simply begin anew.
