Friday, April 3, 2009

Ask and you shall receive no matter how much it hurts

One can never know how the universe will grant your prayer. You ask for things and they are granted, but sometimes painful things are the impetus for change that puts you on the path towards that which you have asked for. An example might be: After years of struggling with my weight I asked God for healthy weight loss and a fit body. I immediately started feeling the symptoms of diabetes. It alarmed me. Being the spiritual person I am and after seeing so many healings I knew that the power to heal was within. I began eating an 80% raw fruit and vegetable diet. Which was somethingI had been planning on anyway for many reasons other than just my health. But change came quickly with the symptoms of illness and the shift was made towards healthy weight loss and a fit body.

I also asked for the opportunity to get my spiritual work out there more, to be more of service. I immediately had a good friend abruptly end our friendship. I didn't want the friendship to end and still offer my hand in friendship to her. As soon as my friend decided to part ways, the universe started bombarding me the right people to get my work out there more. Internet marketing people called me to tell me they were on my team. Readers in California started recommending my services. Speaking gigs sprang up and more and more opportunities started to abound. It was as if I had to go through the painful process to get the result I had asked for.

I worked with a woman from Texas who asked for her child's father to step up and be a good father. Events took place that had her child taken from her so the opportunity would arise for the father to step up. The mother had shifted into a loving healthy life and the family around her erupted in fear, thus taking the child so the father could step up. The more fearful the mother becomes as a result of her lack of faith the more fearful events surround her.

Many people ask, but as soon as a painful event happens, they lose faith in the result. Remember That whatever you ask for you shall receive. So if you ask for something and painful things happen, they are just events that must play out to arrive at the desired destination. Be thankful for the pain, make the shift, and have faith you will arive where you are supposed to be.

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