Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Moment

Look around the room your in, right now, go ahead do it. Realize that at this moment you are right where you are. When you look around the room it isn't yesterday nor is it tomorrow. It's not and hour from now nor an hour ago. This moment is the only one you have. The past is done. it is a collection of present moment memories, a track record of actions or inactions. The future is not set. In reality there is no future there is only possibility. The future is a blackboard on which we write goals. Each of those goals will not and can not be achieved unless we take in the present moment. Right now in this present moment, decide what goes in the chalkboard, a new car, a new house, health, wealth, a loving partner. Make the decision and focus on the result of achieving that goal. Actively focus your thoughts on the final outcome of your desires. Realize that focusing on a specific partner entering your life is not productive as the person of choice may be focusing elsewhere. Focus instead on the perfect partner coming into your life and thus that partner will come. But realize that the action in this moment is the next present moment memory that you are creating. and the next will happen and the universe will surround you with like actions that will real-ize your dreams.

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