Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where U At?

No matter where you are in life, you arrived there through your past thoughts and actions. Actions are a response to our beliefs. We react accordingly to our beliefs. If we believe our life is lacking, then our actions or inactions create a life of lack. If we believe our life to be fun and adventureous then our actions will create that experience. Your life changes with your very thoughts. Discover fully what your beliefs are. Listen to your words. You can not manifest wealth if you are constantly searching for the way to make money. Believe you are receiving it and when your belief shifts to absolute faith, your actions will be congruent with the reult you are creating. after your belief/faith has a track record it will create it fully. When you focus on "How?' then you are creating lack because your belief is you aren't receiving it because you don't know how. Release," How" and have faith that it is coming. You are unlimited, as is teh Universe. Nothing is too big or too small. In my life I wanted to travel I had complete faith I would. I never asked how. I just had faith I would. I have been to twenty-seven countries. most of which I did not pay for. I have been inside the great Pyramid of Egypt and Climbed Mach Picchu and Mt Sinai. I did not know how I would get there but I went there because my faith was tha I would get there. Start manifesting what you want. Bypass the "How" moment and step into the receiving moment. Just a thought.

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