Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love is NEVER wrong

As I have said on numerous occasions I believe fully that God is Love. It is written in the Book of John. That being said I also believe that Love is never wrong. I recently was speaking with a minister at a holistic center where I was speaking. He was quite offended that the center had ,"Homosexual paraphernalia" I asked him what the problem was and he responded that it was a sin. I asked him where he got that information. "Sodom and Gemorrah," was his answer. I asked him to elaborate he couldn't give me a straight answer especially when i expressed that the translation he was using was from the middle ages over a thousand years after the bible was written.

The earliest translation of the Old testament is known as the Septuagint when translated today the line that eventually is translated into "bring them out that we may have sex with them" is translated as, "bring them out to us that we may be with them." The minister had no argument that the book had been translated numerous times. Translations upon translations upon translations many times from the new translators perspective. Have you ever played the telephone game?

In my life I have known many homosexual men and woman. I have known some really wonderful homosexuals and some really troubled ones as well. I have also known some really wonderful straight people and some really troubled ones as well. We are all the same. We all want the same things. We all want Love. The Minister wanted to be right. He wanted to judge. That is where the minister gets his respect. Respect is how he receives love. He also wants love.

Is Homosexuality natural or an anomaly? In all honesty I don't care. As long as the people involved are loving, not doing hurtful or fearful acts upon another. Love is never wrong. As far as it being a "sin," as I have said before the word,"sin," was translated from three different languages In ancient Hebrew it translates as ,"Guilt." In ancient Aramaic it translates as," failure" and in ancient Greek,"To miss the Mark." Each or these translations is a perception of fear. Each is based upon the condition that our self worth is in question. Each is the fear of not being loved.

I wonder if that minister read in the bible," Love One another" it can't be translated any other way. I love ALL of you.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Your direct connection to Source

I am a firm believer that God/ Universe is Love. Love is the positive state. I also believe that we were given fear as a tool to experience Love fully. That all being said, I one time while watching a fireworks display, saw the world go into slow motion. This phenominon is not uncommon. Many people speak of moments during car accidents when thy can see the world go into slow motion. I watched as the fireworks drifted apart from it's center explosion and I heard a voice. The Voice said, "I come within a smile." I realized that when we are truly happy, joyful we smile and behind that smile is a feeling and that felling has no pain, no fear, no stress. It is completely open and relaxed. It is the source within us when it is not effected by our personal fears. It is our true and highest self.

There is a moment in meditation when you can literally watch your body breath itself. It that moment there is a realization. We don't breath our bodies. If we did we woud be focused twenty four hours a day, seven days a week month after month and year after year. When we breath deep and relax our muscles in the exhale we reach the same state as in a smile. Consciously breath that good feeling up to your head on your next inhale and feel the same feeling as a smile right there in your deep breath. Most religions mention the breath as divine. In Christianity, after the resurrection Jesus, in the upper chamber, breathed upon his deciples. The Source/God/ Universe is within you, now, in this moment. You are one with it. and all you have to do is breath or smile to feel your connection to the divine. If you feel negative (Sad, mad, etc.)that is your fear. Recognize it as fear and release it. Surround your self with the positive state and you will be surrounded with more of the same.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Someone in Need

I just returned from an incredible weekend in Ontario. Holly (my assistant) and I met some wonderful and loving people and spent some time offering healings. I have amazing stories in the room. But sometimes Holly is the luckier to witness the whole story. Here is one such storyin Holly's words that shows how divine things can truly be:

We were nearing the end of a wonderful weekend of speaking and healing at Unity Church in Windsor, Ontario. This wonderful group meets in what, until the 1980s, was a convent. Sue, our church hostess, was coming to lock the building and say goodbye to us as we were leaving in an hour or so. When the doorbell rang, I ran to let her in, and she walked in with another woman in tow, rather unusual looking. “Hi Holly. We have a conundrum and we need to see what we can do about it.” Okay, I thought perhaps the woman was homeless or something. We walked up to the meeting room and Sue told me that this woman Diane had just recently returned to Windsor, and had come to the nuns for help not knowing that the convent had been moved. We all sat to hear her story.

Diane had been suffering with a severe infection of the bone around her jaw and cheek which had necessitated removal of some teeth and some dental appliances. The front section of the teeth had been so deformed by infection they jutted out and interfered with her eating. We noticed that her left cheek was swollen and pink. She’d been through many medications that did not work, and her doctor believed she’d found something that might. Being a caregiver Diane had little money to spare on expensive medication. She decided to reach out in trust to neighbors for assistance although being new to the area she didn’t know them. She knocked on a door, showed the man what money she had, explained the situation and asked if he might loan her $20 until the following week. He warmly welcomed her in, told her he understood and could help her. He pulled out a $20, turned to her, reached for his zipper and asked her what she was prepared to do for him. In shock and horror she was able to run out the door without harm, ran home and cried for an hour. She thought to ask the nuns for help and comfort and that’s when she met Sue at the door. Funny thing . . . Sue had taken a wrong turn and had gone the very long route to the church. Had she taken her normal route, she probably would not have pulled up just as Diane got there.

Having heard the story and assured Diane that she was safe with us, Sue and I started to react to the miracle that was taking place. We told Diane that John Davis, a healer, was at the church this weekend, and if she was open to meeting him, she might be helped. At first she said no she didn’t have time as she still had a client to visit, but when I told her it would only be half an hour, she eagerly agreed. It struck all three of us what had happened – Diane had accidentally showed up at the church just when Sue happened to arrive and see her at a no-longer-used entrance, when John just happened to be in town, coincidentally two hours before we were to leave.

John completed his session with a client and opened the door to the prayer room they were in. I hugged Diane and escorted her back to meet John. I told her again that she was completely safe here, and John opened his arms and said “I need to hug you”. I saw her face as she was enfolded in God’s love – OH the relief! In his great sensitivity John also assured her she was safe, and asked if she wanted the door closed or left open.

In about half an hour we heard a great deal of laughter coming from down the hall. The door opened, and out walks a beaming Diane. She’s nearly bouncing in joy, breathlessly saying “I am healed, I can feel it, it’s so warm, Oh my GOD, I’m healed, I just can’t believe it, there’s no pain, it’s not swollen!!!” And indeed, her cheek looked exactly like the other, no longer swollen. “God can do anything! Oh my God, I’m healed! I can’t wait for my doctor to see this!” We talked for a few minutes, all of us emotional and basking in the joy, and after many hugs, Diane bounced down the stairs and left.

If Sue had not asked us to come this weekend. . .
If Sue had not taken a wrong turn. . .
If Diane had come two hours later. . .
If . . .

Thank you God, for allowing me the honor to witness this breathtakingly beautiful gift. I am forever changed. Thank you Diane for being God’s messenger so that others can know what He does for his beloved kids.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Everything in the Universe consists of atoms. According to Einstein there is nothing solid within an atom. Atoms are purely an energy"event". That being said think about your breathing for a moment. Now realize that the air is made of atoms as are the lungs with which you breath the air and the room in which you breath the air. Anything you see, hear, smell, or touch is constructed of atoms. Everything is nothing but pure energy.

Where do you begin and end? In reality you are the alpha and the omega. You are your consciousness within the energy of the universe. What is the energy? Consider this for a moment, the energy is God. We are truly created "in God's Image." We are connected directly to the source. We are connected directly with each other, through the energy of Source.

"In the Beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God" Consider this meaning of the first lines of the Book of John: In the beginning of what you create is the words you speak and the words goes to God and God creates your words around you in his image. The word truly is God. When Someone does fearful acts they erupt fear in those around them as to give to that person that for which their words have asked. Synchronistally people who are in like allignment with that creation are right there to comply. Because the fearful act they are erupting to is in allignment with some fearful creation of there own.

We are all connected with each other, as such, we effect the world on the whole. If you could consciuosly create a joyful loving experience instead of a fearful experience created unconsciously, which would you choose? When you catch yourself in a negative frame of mind you are consciously recognizing a fear response and then you can consciously change your state and thus the state of those around you. The more of us who consciously create a loving joyful experience, can in effect change the world.

As a reminder of my last blog: May 27th 2009 at 9 pm I will be meditating on the unconditional love for all. The love I am speaking of does not exclude anyone from Christiansd to muslams to indigenous tribes and atheists, black, white, yellow, polka dotted, everyone is included because there are NO Conditions. I ask that you join me for a thirty minutes meditation if we can get enough us on the same page we will experience our interconnectedness and start changing the world for the better.

Focus May 27th

Mother Theresa said,"I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.

"Where is your focus? I watched a youtube video sent around by a friend. It focused on the violent riots around the world. It focused on fear of a "New World Order" It focused on all the negative aspects of fear and it was spread across the internet to spread fear. It will I am sure anger some, but moreso I believe it will dishearten people and make them fearful. It was what was intended when it was made. If we focus on the negative we get more of the same.

How did Ghandi get the English to leave India? Passive nonviolence in the face of extreme opposition. When you confront violence with violence it becomes a ignited flame fed by gasoline. It erupts and helps nothing. Focus is inportant. Bob Proctor says, "I don't care if it's get in or get out, if you are focused on debt it's debt"

Where is your focus? Are you focused on fear and violence? Is your focus optomistic or pessimistic? The ever optomist lives a joyful life. The ever pessimist lives a life in expectation of fearful events and each receives reasons to keep believing as they do. I believe we can choose a new focus and the more of us that choose it can literally change the world.

On May 27th at 9pm eastern time I will be Meditating on Unconditional Love for the world I ask that you join me at that time and start a ripple of loving peace that will surround the world. After which we can share our experiences of being in that space for a half hour. Let's change the world one of us at a time. Please join me.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Moment

Look around the room your in, right now, go ahead do it. Realize that at this moment you are right where you are. When you look around the room it isn't yesterday nor is it tomorrow. It's not and hour from now nor an hour ago. This moment is the only one you have. The past is done. it is a collection of present moment memories, a track record of actions or inactions. The future is not set. In reality there is no future there is only possibility. The future is a blackboard on which we write goals. Each of those goals will not and can not be achieved unless we take in the present moment. Right now in this present moment, decide what goes in the chalkboard, a new car, a new house, health, wealth, a loving partner. Make the decision and focus on the result of achieving that goal. Actively focus your thoughts on the final outcome of your desires. Realize that focusing on a specific partner entering your life is not productive as the person of choice may be focusing elsewhere. Focus instead on the perfect partner coming into your life and thus that partner will come. But realize that the action in this moment is the next present moment memory that you are creating. and the next will happen and the universe will surround you with like actions that will real-ize your dreams.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Today, today is a day of celebrating a great deed. I am asked constantly whether the thing that is celebrated today actually happened. My first memories of that past life were of my face raising from the sand. My face was in the sand because I had fallen onto my face at the feet of my friend. My friend who wasn't supposed to be there. My friend who I had seen suffer and die.My friend who gave his life to keep his friends and enemies from a war that would reap nothing but fear, death and destruction upon us. A man who at the very very end upon the cross looked down at me in complete love for me and all who stood about. This man now stood before me. I dropped to his feet. If I had believed he was amazing before, now I was convinced that he knew things that I didn't. He had told me many times that everything is Love and that In full faith everything is possible. Now he stood there I fell to my face. When I built the courage I slowly looked up. He smiled at me, laughed, and told me to get up. He told me that this was an example of the possibilties of our lives. He told me that with full belief (faith) we are unlimited. His words didn't change my awe in seeing him again. It was not long before this that my dispair of his death left me clutching the foot of the cross with my hand above me just to touch his foot. Did it happen? Yes. Why it happened was to show us that when following the path of love, nothing is impossible. Today is a day for all of us to remember what he did yes, but more importantly it is a day to live what he was teaching us. Be loving not fearful. Have faith that in love all things are possible. I am grateful for the greatest lesson he ever taught.

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Friday, April 10, 2009

Amy's Story

I was recently contacted by Amy with a message that really moved me and I asked if I could share it. I am so grateful to her for allowing me to do so.


You don't know me personally. I am on your MySpace because I'm a fan of the Hack & Slash shows. But, I felt compelled to write to you when I read your new blog.

My Grandfather died suddenly in January, and we were unable to bury his ashes until yesterday. He was incredibly important to me and we were very close. Of course, you know that when you lose someone dear to you, it's very painful for a while... but then your heart begins to heal and you move on, keeping them in your memory. But since my Grandfather's death almost 4 months ago, I wake up every morning and the pain feels fresh again. My sorrow will sneak up on me, and I will sit and sob for hours, totally inconsolable. My poor husband doesn't know what to do for me, and it's beginning to affect our young marriage. But I don't know how to turn it off, how to control it... and I can't find a way to turn it into something positive. I have been struggling with my faith... unsure of a "loving" God who will allow one of His children to experience pain like I have that will not subside, with no relief in sight. I just don't know what to do with all this darkness I have inside me. I was so angry with God for letting this happen. My Pop was relatively healthy, still had his right mind and still lived at home with my Grandmother. I had such high hopes that he would one day be able to see and hold his great-grandchildren, and that they would know the man that shaped who I am in so many ways.

When we got home from Pop's burial yesterday, I happened to read your blog last night (Ask and you shall receive no matter how much it hurts- john) It gave me a new perspective on my pain... and more importantly, some insight into why I felt that all the other everyday things that went wrong were a personal slight against me from God or Karma or whatever was causing these things to happen. I see now, that my negative way of viewing my Grandfather's death, and my inability to find some sort of solace was making everything else only seem worse than it was.

So, as I sat in mass this morning for another death on my husband's side of the family, I prayed for God to help me find peace in my soul, to help me let go of my Grandfather and to see him resting comfortably and happy where there is no more pain. As I prayed, crying what felt like the last tears I would shed for my Pop, God allowed me to see an image of him standing near our family at his grave while the minister prayed for his soul. He was wearing his favorite baby blue blazer, smiling, with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a drink (as he always stood, as we would all remember him). Then I saw him walk past the family, touching each of us on the shoulder or cheek on his way by. He walked down the path through the cemetery, and as he reached the gate, I smiled and looked back at the flowers on his headstone, simply knowing Who was waiting for him just outside the gate. Just then, a sense of relief washed over me... so strong, like nothing I had ever felt before, like a huge weight had been lifted from me and I could breathe again. I left that church feeling at peace for the first time in 4 months.

I don't know if that image was the product of an overactive imagination or not, but I believe it was God helping me find the peace I asked for. I believe that God really does work in mysterious ways, and I believe that in some small way, you were inspired to write those words on April 3rd so you could inspire me. I see now that it wasn't that God didn't want to console me and take away my pain, it was that my doubt was in His way. "Ask and you shall receive no matter how much it hurts"... no words have been more true.

So, thank you, John. Thank you for helping me find God again, and thank you for helping me find the path to heal my heart. I still have a lot of pain to let go of, but I finally feel like I'm heading in the right direction.

Take Care,


UPDATE:After asking If I could share her story Amy sent me this reply:

Absolutely, I don't mind at all! If I can be of any help, please let me know. I also wanted to give you a little update in case you were wondering. My relationship with my husband is better than ever... these days I wake up rested and smiling... and I deal with everyday problems with an optimistic attitude - a huge change from just one week ago! There is a Sufi saying that my Grandmother found after Pop died and she wanted me to share it with you - "When the heart grieves for what is lost, the soul rejoices for all that is left." I am so thankful for all the blessings in my life.




Thank You ..

Thank you for allowing me to awake this day.

Thank you for my wonderful son.

Thank you for the small pleasure of solitude.

Thank you for the friends I have.

Thank you for allowing me to be a friend.

Thank you for the unconditional love .

Thank you for the many places I have traveled.

Thank you for the light shining upon the path ahead.

Thank you for allowing me to speak truth.

Thank you for allowing me to witness miracles.

Thank you for the opportunity.

Thank you for the abundance I am blessed with.

Thank you for the abundance yet to come.

Thank you for the manifestations

Thank you for all my life experiences, for they define me.

Thank you

Thank you.

Thank you.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Where U At?

No matter where you are in life, you arrived there through your past thoughts and actions. Actions are a response to our beliefs. We react accordingly to our beliefs. If we believe our life is lacking, then our actions or inactions create a life of lack. If we believe our life to be fun and adventureous then our actions will create that experience. Your life changes with your very thoughts. Discover fully what your beliefs are. Listen to your words. You can not manifest wealth if you are constantly searching for the way to make money. Believe you are receiving it and when your belief shifts to absolute faith, your actions will be congruent with the reult you are creating. after your belief/faith has a track record it will create it fully. When you focus on "How?' then you are creating lack because your belief is you aren't receiving it because you don't know how. Release," How" and have faith that it is coming. You are unlimited, as is teh Universe. Nothing is too big or too small. In my life I wanted to travel I had complete faith I would. I never asked how. I just had faith I would. I have been to twenty-seven countries. most of which I did not pay for. I have been inside the great Pyramid of Egypt and Climbed Mach Picchu and Mt Sinai. I did not know how I would get there but I went there because my faith was tha I would get there. Start manifesting what you want. Bypass the "How" moment and step into the receiving moment. Just a thought.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ask and you shall receive no matter how much it hurts

One can never know how the universe will grant your prayer. You ask for things and they are granted, but sometimes painful things are the impetus for change that puts you on the path towards that which you have asked for. An example might be: After years of struggling with my weight I asked God for healthy weight loss and a fit body. I immediately started feeling the symptoms of diabetes. It alarmed me. Being the spiritual person I am and after seeing so many healings I knew that the power to heal was within. I began eating an 80% raw fruit and vegetable diet. Which was somethingI had been planning on anyway for many reasons other than just my health. But change came quickly with the symptoms of illness and the shift was made towards healthy weight loss and a fit body.

I also asked for the opportunity to get my spiritual work out there more, to be more of service. I immediately had a good friend abruptly end our friendship. I didn't want the friendship to end and still offer my hand in friendship to her. As soon as my friend decided to part ways, the universe started bombarding me the right people to get my work out there more. Internet marketing people called me to tell me they were on my team. Readers in California started recommending my services. Speaking gigs sprang up and more and more opportunities started to abound. It was as if I had to go through the painful process to get the result I had asked for.

I worked with a woman from Texas who asked for her child's father to step up and be a good father. Events took place that had her child taken from her so the opportunity would arise for the father to step up. The mother had shifted into a loving healthy life and the family around her erupted in fear, thus taking the child so the father could step up. The more fearful the mother becomes as a result of her lack of faith the more fearful events surround her.

Many people ask, but as soon as a painful event happens, they lose faith in the result. Remember That whatever you ask for you shall receive. So if you ask for something and painful things happen, they are just events that must play out to arrive at the desired destination. Be thankful for the pain, make the shift, and have faith you will arive where you are supposed to be.