Sunday, March 15, 2009


I recently recieved an email from a woman who decided I was in danger from, "The Evil One" and I was on a path,"away from God, not toward him." After reading the stories posted on , She decided that what I was doing was dangerous, saying that I was creating, a whole new set of dogmas and religion ,"No one can make up a religion like making your selection in the cafeteria line.,". She wrote . I responded that I respected her beliefs and honored her path thanks for the concern. She responded saying I was trying to glorify myself and that I was "insecure and ignorant."

I am always saddened by the fear people feel created by organized religions. I believe that the kingdom of God is within each of us and it is through our own doorway that we will reach the place of promise. Anyone who knows me knows that I never expect anyone to believe what I believe. I come to my beliefs through my own personal experiences and share them as a means for others to see they are not alone.

When one is raised in a fear based state, anything that is different from those beliefs is ,"Dangerous." I honor the paths that each of us take to the source but when i see people judge others for their personal beliefs it reminds me that there is a lot of fear in the world. Occasionally that fear will reach out and try to pull you in. She judged that I was Dangerous, Ignorant, and Insecure because I did not believe as she did.

I explained that in her faith, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Ghandi, and a myriad of others were currently burning in hell for their sins of not being catholic. She told me that she never found it to wrong to defend her faith. I asked who she was defending against as I never contacted her. She reached out to judge my faith in fear. I hope that our conversation has allowed her to look in love and not the opposing force, fear.As in all things I am grateful for the experience, I continue as I was, serving. I pray that she will choose to find the peace and contentment I have in my faith. I love you all.

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In truth, a church is not a provision at all but the Temple of the Holy Spirit. The Indwelling Devotion as Altar to God. Since ultimately all provisions are an attack on the universal Will of God, because they attempt to recreate authority through the form-- the reversal is to release the attachment to the form and downgrade the indemnity to an error. So, God upside-down or the "Daemon est Deus inversus" is actually the retaliatory act of rejection, projected as a form (fear), and the answer is in denying the denial of God as an active conversion to God--the act of Love. Regardless of what presents, the application is the same, forgiveness or sharing the perception of harmlessness/ blamelessness in the other. It is always to see sameness rather than differences. I heard that J once said "the only thing that I can say that is true of all of you is that you are no different from one another."
