Saturday, March 21, 2009

My prayer formula

Over the years I have come to see many positive results from prayer. I slowly refined the way I pray. I first realized to see results of a prayer it has to be a prayer in the present moment. Next I have to be grateful for the result I have already achieved. The bible says whatsoever we wish ask in God's name. Moses climbed a mountain and talked to God in the form of a burning bush. At the end of that conversation Moses asked God his name. God said," I AM" Then I have to declare it in the present moment.

So I start my prayer formula with Gratitude:

Thank you God

I then move to the object of my prayer:

For the___(Whatever I am asking for)___________

I move on to God's Name:


Next is the action step:


Now to end in the present moment:


The word Amen when translated means, " So be it" not so, "it will be," or so it was"

Thank you God for the Healing I AM recieving Amen.

The next step is faith. I have to believe that it is true and act accordingly. In using this formula over the years I have seen it work every time. Give it a try and watch the miracles happen.

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