Monday, March 30, 2009


Over time friendships change. They start innocently enough usually based on fun experiences. Over time you open yourself up more an more to your friends. You become relaxed which is wonderful. It is a great experience, as it should be. When either you or your friend slip into fear, you begin to rely more and more on your friends until they become crutches for you. Interestingly enough as they become a crutch for you, you become a crutch for them. enabling fear to live with you.

This life given to fear is a rapid spiral downward unless frequently checked. Each friend relies on the other to validate their worthiness. The need for validation is a product of fear. The spiral slips down further into fear and then when all else fails the fear becomes directed at the friend. Because the fear is now coming from one so close the damage is more. Boundaries are built and friendships alter. Each becomes less open to each other and a rebuilding has to begin. Unless of course the frindships continue down the fear spiral into an ending of the friendship.

Doors do not have to stay closed to these ended friendships. No Bridges have to be burned. Choose love over fear and accept that love is always correct. Take responsibilty for your fearful acts. It is the only thing you can do. If the other decides to end the friendship, that does not mean you have to. Hold them in your heart in love. Always be their friend and in time that love will attract love in return. Sometimes they never return and stay mired in fear, love them all the more. For only love conquers fear. Walk into the light out of the fear and in love keep an eye for the friend lost in fear. Always have your hand ready to pull them from the mire. The relationship will be different, probably stronger, but definitely different.

God Bless all who fall into the spiral of fear and be a beacon for their return to love. I bless the friends of mine with whom this has happened and I ask forgiveness for my trespasses into fear and pray they will still have a hand out when I am in need.

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

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