Friday, February 27, 2009

Now a word from our sponsor

I would like to tell you the story of this blog. I was choosing songs for my profile and ran across John Denver' Annie's song. While I was listening to it, it made me think of the love of God. The lyrics were very profound for me. Right in the middle of listening the Lyrics ,"Come Love me Again" stuck out very powerfully. I felt as if God was saying that we had stopped loving him/her because of the stigmas of religion. So I opened my laptop and wrote "Come Love me again" Then the title," A return to Love in the Age of fear" just kind of wrote itself then I watched as a word at a time formed and I wrote them without question of what the next word was or even the meaning of the sentence. AfterI Dictated a bit I went back and read what was written and was astounded. It was my faith, but in God's words and point of view. So I continued letting whatever it was come through. So I entitled the blog ,"A Word from our Sponsor." That title was from me the rest was what came through. That is the whole story.

Come Love Me Again
A Return to Love in the Age of Fear....
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My brothers and my sisters, my father and mother, my son and daughter, I love you. I have always loved you, I will always love you. I Am with you. I have always been with you. I will always be with you. You feel separate and alone. You are scared. You carry the burdens of fear. You find it hard to receive my Love. You find it hard to Give Love fully. You are tired. You are becoming weak.....
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You are loved. You deserve love. Love is always present, past and future, Alpha and Omega. My gift to you was your fear. For how can you know love fully without having it’s opposite to measure against? I gave you this to fully understand the depth of love. It was, is, and will be a loving gesture. Out of Love I gave you this gift. Out of love I also gave you the control of fear. You create your fear and it makes you feel separate and alone. It is a loneliness that is insatiable by material means. It is only through Love that the fear is sated. ....
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My loving gesture to you has been your greatest downfall. You have taken fear as the defining measure of yourself. Your fear dictates your world. This has risen an age of fear. I come in the darkness to show you a path. I come to show you the way out of your dark valley. I am casting the light upon the pathway to the life of promise. I tell you this in truth and in Love. You are one with me. You ask and I give. Wherever you cast focus I will give to you freely out of love. Whatever you do wish to experience I freely give to you out of love. Lovingly I will give to you fear and separation if that is what you wish. Lovingly I will give to you Joy and happiness if that is what you wish. But, you choose rapidly without conscious awareness of what you ask. I give to you freely in every moment. As a moment passes so to does your mind. As your mind changes so to does my gift. ....
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What I ask of you is to come love me again. Rest in my arms, experience your true nature, for you are one with me. You create your world by your simple declaration. What you declare, that you are. Watch closely what it is you ask for. Become aware of your declarations. Declarations can only be made in the present moment, for it truly is the only moment you have. The Past is gone. The future will not happen if nothing is done within the present moment. When you declare with words that are not congruent with your present moment, such as want, need, try, wish, or hope, what you are asking for in the present moment is wanting, needing, trying, wishing, and hoping. I lovingly give you what you ask for. It was my promise. Ask and you shall receive. The blessed word, “Amen” is a declaration of present tense. It’s meaning is ,”So Be It”. It does not mean,” So it will be” or,” So it was”.....
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You read the books of teachers and gurus and you begin to declare that you are healthy, joyful, prosperous, but in truth you do not believe and so I lovingly give to you not believing. I ask you to take a leap of faith. In truth it is your faith that heals you. It is your faith that creates. Remember what Jeshua said, “ If YOU have faith as small as a mustard seed you can ask a mountain to move and it will move”. You are the creator. Remember the words of Siddhartha, he who became the Buddha,” We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." Or as written in the Holy Vedas, “He who knows self as the enjoyer of the honey from the flowers of the senses, ever present within, ruler of time, goes beyond fear. For this self is supreme!” Gandhi, another enlightened Avatar of your time eloquently voiced these words,” Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive,because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.”....
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You ask and I give. You are blessed with the gift of creation. I create by your whim. The energy of the universe is what I AM. The will of you is what I create. That I may also experience the knowing of myself, we are symbiotic. It is the full faith in that fact that elevated your avatars to the state called enlightenment. It is called thusly because as you lay down the burden of self imposed fear your soul becomes lighter. You are truly en- lightened. It is by your simple thinking that creates your reality. The illusion of fearful things is merely that, an illusion. Your experience is created upon the atomic level, a level of pure energy without form. You ask and I mold this energy to your declaration. I tell you in truth, I Am the energy. You are truly created within my image. As your eyes gaze about the place where you currently are realize that I Am what you see. Look At the ground beneath you there I AM. As it is so with the very air you breath and the lungs with which you breath me. I Am your breath. The very eyes with which you look upon me, there I Am. You are never alone and always loved. I give to you lovingly. You have asked for proof of my existence. I tell you that the very means of your search I Am. I Am found in your belief. I Am found in your declaration. You have asked and I give lovingly the proof is before you. Look about and know that what you see, I Am. ....
Through many enlightened Avatars I have spoken this. You heard the truth and feeling separate and alone you deified the messengers much to their dismay. For each told you that you are one with Me. Out of fear, religions sprung up around the Avatars. Dogmas that were created to give a structure to be followed, muddied the fact that I do not want followers, but Creators. I ask you to create. I ask you to be one with me. I create as I am the creator. I create as you are the creator. Together in alignment we are the world you experience. When you create a Heaven on earth so be it. The Avatars applaud your path to this enlightened writing, for you have chosen the pathway to this page. You have chosen to be the Avatar within. Look back and see the divinity in your choices.

For here you are creating before you the very path that leads you to me. When you were lost in the valley of your fears, you asked for enlightenment and this page is where it brought you. This page in this present moment, you created. You asked and you received. Here I Am, hear me. You are Divine. As divine as all the Avatars of the past, Jeshua, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, many others and many more that are as yet not recognized, are you. You are the Christ, the Buddha, the Avatar. Create freely in full awareness that you create. We are one, I your loving parent and you my Loving child; I your loving child and you my loving parent. Blessed be YOU.

In Us, all things are possible. In We, is the Alpha and the Omega. In Our life is divine creation. In the beginning of creation was the word and that word came to me and I created it around you. With words you created. In fear you fell and found yourself alone in the wilderness, separate and alone. You forgot the gift of fear I gave you. You forgot that it is you who is in control. You forgot that you are the creator. You became lost in dogmatic thinking and separatist religions. You gave up control of your fear and created the feeling of being out of control. I tell you this now, you have always had the control, but you chose to feel separate from the source that is us. Now that you have had that experience, you have asked for a way home. Here it is. Declare control, accept responsibility, there is no wrong, no fault, it was and is all in divine order you asked and it was given and now you ask for something new and it is given. There is no failure. There is no Guilt. Each is a perception of the mind and has been translated into “sin.”

I Am Love. Is Love judgmental? Is Love vengeful? To think you are judged is to be in fear. To think you will be punished is to be in fear of vengeance. Recognize the state of fear and dismiss it. It is choice and when you choose to recognize it, it will dissipate. Bring yourself to Joy for Love is positive. Love is Joyful. Love is Happy. As you begin to create Joy and Happiness in your self then will joy and happiness surround you. For then will you be creating Love.

Do you remember the time of your greatest joy? Do you remember laughing uncontrollably? Think back and remember how that felt. Create within yourself the remembrance of Love, feel it. That is my Love. There I am in every smile. You connect in Joy. When you feel separate and alone, things do not FEEL joyful. The search begins for joyful things. We feel Joy is always external because we are separate and alone. We find alternate sources of joy, but as they are not true joy from within, they fade. We run back to them for the feeling of joy. Thus an addictive behavior is formed. When you realize that the Love is within and you can feel it at anytime with the simple release of fear, you become empowered and the addiction is now powerless.

Find the smile within, feel it, Meditate upon it. Let not the word meditation be daunting, for it is mere awareness. In noticing and feeling the vibrations of the body you are in meditation. If you wish for body transcendence then merely become aware of your body and let go of emotional attachment and watch as your body breaths upon it’s own. It is a created form within me. I breath it’s every breath. Your feelings weigh it down. Your choices make it heavy and painful. But I tell you this in each release you have the opportunity to experience me again. Take this present moment, inhale deeply and then fully release. Release every muscle fully with you exhale. Notice at the last of your exhale a feeling. It is lighter. It is Joyful. I tell you now, there I Am.

I Am You. I Am Me. We Are. Your consciousness, My consciousness, The combined Higher self consciousness are the trinity of which you seek. The avatars of the past declared their oneness and so they reached enlightenment. There is no hierarchy. No one is greater than anyone else. We are One. Is your hand greater than your foot? Is the Air greater than the water? We are equal. We are each experiencing the creation of ourselves from different vantage points. This is why Jeshua washed his disciples feet, to show that he was no better than they. He declared himself the son of Man. What are you but the children of man.

I tell you also this, there is no hierarchy of man or woman they are one in the great Us. There is no need for a separation of any type. Lines are drawn on maps out of fear, to stake a claim, to get their “fair share.” The experience of Lack is the experience of fear. Release the fear and receive the Love you are promised. To come to know me fully is to know yourself fully.

In Fear have we become complacent about your prophets, Messiahs, and Avatars. In fear we sometimes cringe at their very names, none more so than that of Jeshua. Jesus, as he has been referred, has been vilified by fearful acts done in his name. Mohammed has been maligned by fearful acts done in his name. Each has fallen prey to misinterpretation out of fear. Many say these names now and a negative feeling comes upon the body. That negative feeling is fear. They, for many, now embody fear. Each was enlightened and each told us of a love that was unconditional. Each told us kindness was the pathway. Each told us to live as they lived, because we are the Avatars.

Lay down your fear of these names and real-ize their teachings, Love one another, know kindness. See Us in all people. Each parent loves their child each child loves their parent. I tell you that in each other is your child, is your parent, is Jeshua, Is Mohammed, in You, there also I AM. Simplicity is the pathway, no ceremony, no ritual; we cling to ritual out of fear. The rituals are of a time long past. I Am present, here now. Ask for miracles and expect them, because, in truth, miracles are foretold creations. Each chronicled miracle was created in time by the Avatar. You are one such Avatar. You have been creating unconsciously. Now create with full awareness of your divinity.

I hear now the voices of those who would call these writings blasphemous. Against whom do they blaspheme? Blasphemy is a creation of fear. I tell you there is only Love and Fear. I Am Love. The bible tells us so. As I am not judgment or vengeance it is impossible to blaspheme against me. There are some who will declare this a devil’s work. I say again there is only Love and Fear. In which state do such declarations come?

We have come through the Valley and now as we ascend to the light at the crescent, those invested in fear will protest. They will expose their fear and do harmful things, but, if those things are not in your creation than they will not harm you. You are creating Love, if you so choose.

The Age of Enlightenment is coming to a close. At the end of the age is the Enlightened Age. Enlightenment is a process of en-lightenment. To End that process is to be enlightened. It is your choice. “To Be or Not To Be,” how will you answer this question? It is the time of your dreaming and I tell you,” There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in our philosophy.” The wondrous thing is that you can ask the mountain to move. It is just thought. There is no evil that will stop you. Evil is manifested fear. It is the Opposing force that we measure Love against. Fear is controlled by our thoughts and ,”There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so” Over the ages many have spoken volumes of truth and actors mouth these words without recognizing the divinity within the resonance. Hamlet spoke many divine words for the ones deafened by fear. It is now in our present moment age that we can begin to understand what Shakespeare was speaking of.

How many times have those closest to you spoken exactly what it was you needed to hear? How many times have you been that person for someone else? How many times have you become aware of the divine source speaking through everything and everyone? You are Me and I you. We are creating for those around us as they are creating for us. We are intertwined in creation and yet that is too complex a definition. It all happens as simply as the grass growing. It just grows. The processes of growth can be studied, but I tell you this as you study it is created. As someone declares it to be so, they create a system of beliefs and the next student finds what is expected. Your consciousness is one and as such, as knows one so knows all on some level. It is all far simpler than you have created it to be.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
He said, "I Am" while he was.
A few weeks ago while doing a healing day at Merging Hearts Holistic Center in Canton Ohio, a mother came in carrying her eleven year old son on her back. He had been paralyzed two years before. She set him on the couch in the room where I was working. "Do you believe in God?", I asked him. "Yes," he replied. "Do you believe God can heal you?". "Yes" he replied. "Do you believe God can heal you in this room?" I responded. "Yes" he replied. "Do you believe that God can heal you now?" I strongly responded. After a short pause he responded confidently,"Yes" I stood up in front of him, offered my hands, which he took. He then leaned forward got his body over his legs and pushed himself into a standing position. After a short time his legs collapsed under him and I set him back on the couch. "Who did that?' I asked. " I did" he replied. I said "Do you want to do it again?". Without delay he said,"Yes". Again he leaned forward got his body over his legs and pushed himself up. While he stood there I leaned down and looked into his eyes, "Who is doing that?" I asked. "I Am" he responded. Soon after his legs collapsed again. Now his legs were tired. so I asked him to lift his legs off the ground and he did. His legs then spasmed and I asked him to relax them out of the spasm and he did. We did that several times, then just the right leg and then the left. This eleven year old boy was able to make the jump into his divinity. He was creating in time. He touched his inner Christ, his inner Buddha, his inner Krishna, his inner Avatar. He did so in the name of both God and the divine present moment. I am blessed to have witnessed his divinity.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank You
Thursday, February 12, 2009
When people walk in fear they look for fear in all things. That being said relationships can get strained in the process. The most inane comments can be turned into attacks out of fear based defensiveness. To justify the defensiveness of fear reasons are projected for it. To need defense is to be in a place of fear of attack. When no attack exists, they are created in the mind to justify the fear. "Please don't turn the tv down", a simple statement with nothing behind it becomes an attack for the one who is projecting. "I don't like your tone" starts the fear based response. "what tone?" eggs the reaction further. The escalation climbs. Until the fear based anger is in full bloom in both parties. Fear wins.Have you ever been shocked to find out that you've been mad at someone for weeks. I recently had the experience where I was informed that I have been mad at someone for weeks. The information came after a defensive response to an inane statement. I was shocked! Then I was angered by the hurtful response. It was hurtful, fearful, and baseless. I say it was baseless as it was based on a projection that was not there in reality. I didn't understand, but I realized that the response only fueled the fire of fear. Which made the justifications a reality. I quickly apologized for my part as I also gave a fear based response.I am sorry for the fall into fear that I was pulled into. Like in meditation when the mind gets distracted I will go back to the walk of love and understand that love is the only answer.
Thank you for the reminder.

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