Saturday, May 30, 2009

What can you do for the love in YOUR life?

I have recently worked with several couples who have fallen into a fear-based complacency in their spousal relationships. When we find ourselves disatisfied in our relationships, each of us tend to act disatisfied with our partner. They in turn mirror disatisfaction to us. It becomes a downward spiral of negativity. When someone focuses on the negative, God/Universe will give them more negativity because that is the focus. In Star Wars Episode One Lliam Neeson say a very profound line, "Your focus determines your reality."

Everyone wants Love in there life. Love, a positive place that is relaxed and easy, needs to be the focus of our reality. If you are in a relationship that is stagnant, then realize that you are creating stagnation. It doesn't matter who started the stagnation. It only matters that you end it. How does one end a cycle of stagnation? Love Them First. The reality is that in some form the complacent stagnation is just each person wanting love. Each has been shut down and afraid of doing something that will have them loose the Love in their life.

What can you do for the love in YOUR life? Be the Love you want. Let your partner experience what it is you seek.That way they can be the mirror of the universe that mirrors that love back to you. Go to them and let them know that you will love them no matter what, that your love is unconditional. There is no condition in which you will not love them. Since they are in the place of fear of not having love you are defeating the fear by giving exactly what they were afraid of not having.

This is not to say that you shouldn't go your seperate ways. This is to say that anything can be changed. The most fearful people in the world are controlling, Verbally and physically abusive, and egotistical. They can fall into the trap of addiction or suicidal tendencies. Sometimes it is better for all involved to go seperate ways. But complacency is not these extreme conditions and even these can be altered.

To break the chain of complacency is to step out of your comfort zone. One of my dear friends and an incredible motivational speaker, Dan Thurmon, ( says that to remain in motion you must be," Off Balance on Purpose." Falling out of balance creates forward motion. Do you want to stay where you are or do you want to step into motion towards the joyful, fullfilling relationship you want and deserve?

What is the BEST thing you can do for the LOVE in YOUR life?........ Be Love.

Remember you are the creator of your experience.

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