Monday, May 18, 2009

Simplicity of Creation

I recently received a message from an old friend. As I read her message I realized that probably ninety percent (maybe more) of the world doesn't understand that they are creating with God already. They don't tend to realize that when it was said ,"Ask and you shall receive" that you were already doing it. The difference that avatars like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and the like knew was they could consciously create.

Unconscious creation is where the majority ofof the world is living their experience. I have said in earlier blogs that God's name is "I Am" according to Moses. that being said again your words are your tools of conscious creation. My friend's message said," I try and read it (my Blog-John) everyday. I am desperately trying to renew my faith I am having a hard time with it." From her statements I see that she doesn't read it everyday. that renewal of faith is not happening and it is frustrating and that the attempt is very difficult.

When you declare ,"I am desperately trying" Gods will give you,"Desperately trying" Because that is what was asked for in God's own name, I AM. Ask and YOU SHALL receive was what was promised. and so My dear friend is experiencing exactly what she asked for.

Conscious creation begins with listening. Listen to the words your use. an declarative statement is a creation that is on it's way. If in the next moment you declare somethin contrary to your first declaration the other is negated. But never fear, your the one in charge of your thoughts after a time of consciously shifting your words. your belief (faith) will follow. as results begin to be obvious so to will be your faith.

When the deciples ask Jeshua what diet they should follow, his response was," I would worry more about what comes out of your mouth rather than what goes in." Spirituality is in the present moment. Religion is in the past. Stay in the present moment, realize that your words are creating with God right now. Change your words. Become conscious about what you are creating and realize that ,"How?" is not a question you have to ask. Because God said ,"Ask and you shall receive" He/She did not say," Ask and if you can figeure out how I'll give it to you" To ask is your job. God/Universe/ Source/ Goddess, whatever you call it's job is bringing it to your experience. If you need to know how wait until it is in your experience then look back and marvel at the divine path to your experience.

If my friend declared, "I AM reading it everyday. I am renewing my faith I am having a fun time with it." What would she experience? What is she consciously creating witht he above statements. The interesting thing is she was already directly creating with source. The realization that all she has to do is shift to a optimistic creation and she would have the exp;erience she desires.

Each of us is on the cutting edge of creation. We have the power to have any experience we desire. That was the promise. All we have to do is believe it and even that is our choice. I thank her for sending me the message, it gave me the opportunity to clarify.

God doesn't want followers. God wants creators.

Go create joyfully and know we are changing the world for the better.

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. 90% of my mind is 10% asleep.

    --Yogi Berra
