Saturday, May 30, 2009

What can you do for the love in YOUR life?

I have recently worked with several couples who have fallen into a fear-based complacency in their spousal relationships. When we find ourselves disatisfied in our relationships, each of us tend to act disatisfied with our partner. They in turn mirror disatisfaction to us. It becomes a downward spiral of negativity. When someone focuses on the negative, God/Universe will give them more negativity because that is the focus. In Star Wars Episode One Lliam Neeson say a very profound line, "Your focus determines your reality."

Everyone wants Love in there life. Love, a positive place that is relaxed and easy, needs to be the focus of our reality. If you are in a relationship that is stagnant, then realize that you are creating stagnation. It doesn't matter who started the stagnation. It only matters that you end it. How does one end a cycle of stagnation? Love Them First. The reality is that in some form the complacent stagnation is just each person wanting love. Each has been shut down and afraid of doing something that will have them loose the Love in their life.

What can you do for the love in YOUR life? Be the Love you want. Let your partner experience what it is you seek.That way they can be the mirror of the universe that mirrors that love back to you. Go to them and let them know that you will love them no matter what, that your love is unconditional. There is no condition in which you will not love them. Since they are in the place of fear of not having love you are defeating the fear by giving exactly what they were afraid of not having.

This is not to say that you shouldn't go your seperate ways. This is to say that anything can be changed. The most fearful people in the world are controlling, Verbally and physically abusive, and egotistical. They can fall into the trap of addiction or suicidal tendencies. Sometimes it is better for all involved to go seperate ways. But complacency is not these extreme conditions and even these can be altered.

To break the chain of complacency is to step out of your comfort zone. One of my dear friends and an incredible motivational speaker, Dan Thurmon, ( says that to remain in motion you must be," Off Balance on Purpose." Falling out of balance creates forward motion. Do you want to stay where you are or do you want to step into motion towards the joyful, fullfilling relationship you want and deserve?

What is the BEST thing you can do for the LOVE in YOUR life?........ Be Love.

Remember you are the creator of your experience.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

After Meditation debriefing

I would like to thank all who participated in the meditation. At nine o'clock I was already in for a few minutes and when I felt the pulse of the meditation beginning. I know we had people In California, Oregon, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio and elsewhere involved. Holly has been so good as to set up a response blog: We would love for anyone who meditated to share their experience and location. I would like to start doing these on a fairly regular basis and your feedback would help greatly. I am still a little shifted as I write this. For me it wa svery powerful to feel the connection. It reaffirmed to me that we truly can effect the world.

Thank you

Thank You

Thank you



Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day

On this long weekend of barbeques and pool parties, let us take a moment to remember those who have passed. Family, Friends, and even strangers who didn't know you personally have given their lives in an attempt to make it possible to live a free and relaxed life. I am not just speaking of soldiers. Throughout history we have had heroes. Many were unassuming men or women. Maybe they dedicated their lives to feeding the poor. Maybe they through non-violence defeated an oppressive regime, or maybe they worked two jobs to keep a roof over your head.

Each of these heroes saw people in need and gave of themselves for each one of us. Many have passed in the task. Let us remember that though they fought for us it is up to us to create a world in which such sacrifice is unnecessary. Every time someone has given there lives, dedicated their person to service, they werer dedicating themselves to love. Each time they became defined as heroes and saints was because of their dedication to doing the right, caring, and loving thing. They became our heroes because they were courgeous enough to do what was right despite their personal fears.

Let us not only remember fallen soldiers this day but all heroes. Let us honor them by living loving lives and make the world a place where everyone is a hero. I will remember you.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Don't be so serious

Having spoken all over the country and experienced different types of religious thought, I have an interesting perspective on Spirituality. In truly believing that God is Love, I believe that God is Joyful. I find that most people who think of themselves as deeply religious are anything but joyful. They judge quickly and harshly out of fear. They get offended quickly they are uptight and completely unhappy. I tend to look at the world through comedy goggles. I find things funny. I like to break the tension and make people laugh.

If God truly is love, would He/She want us to be judgemental, offended, or unhappy. As a loving deity would God not want us to be joyful always? The interesting thing is My approach to spirituality does tend to bring out the negative of these types of people. God is Love. God is Joy. God is Happiness. Judgements, being offended, or unhappiness is a quest for being right. If your are right, you are respected, if you are respected your are loved and so, being in the negative state is the fear of not having Love. God is Love.

It is written," Judge not lest ye shall be judged." If you look at that statement from a different perspective, negative attracts negative. If you judge, the mirror of the universe will mirror judgement upon you. By Judging you are already judging yourself as judgmental. the place of judgement is raising yourself in status over someone else. It is the Ego straining to get respect. respect is Love. It is the fear of not being one with God.

The Message is Simple: be Love. Love is joyful and fun. Love never judges or is offended. Love is always happy. When you fell any other way you have fallen into the ego trap of fear. Recognize it as fear let it go and return to love. You are not sperate from God. You don't need specific rituals or foods to know God. You just need to Love. As Jeshua said,"Love one Another."
When you are personally judged, you have a choice. you can be offended, unhappy and judge them in return perpetuating the fear or you can respond lovingly and allow them to experience God. Most of what is said in judgement is based on religious belief. Remember that religion is the past and spirituality is the present.

I love you all.

Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry, Be Happy

Monday, May 18, 2009

Simplicity of Creation

I recently received a message from an old friend. As I read her message I realized that probably ninety percent (maybe more) of the world doesn't understand that they are creating with God already. They don't tend to realize that when it was said ,"Ask and you shall receive" that you were already doing it. The difference that avatars like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed and the like knew was they could consciously create.

Unconscious creation is where the majority ofof the world is living their experience. I have said in earlier blogs that God's name is "I Am" according to Moses. that being said again your words are your tools of conscious creation. My friend's message said," I try and read it (my Blog-John) everyday. I am desperately trying to renew my faith I am having a hard time with it." From her statements I see that she doesn't read it everyday. that renewal of faith is not happening and it is frustrating and that the attempt is very difficult.

When you declare ,"I am desperately trying" Gods will give you,"Desperately trying" Because that is what was asked for in God's own name, I AM. Ask and YOU SHALL receive was what was promised. and so My dear friend is experiencing exactly what she asked for.

Conscious creation begins with listening. Listen to the words your use. an declarative statement is a creation that is on it's way. If in the next moment you declare somethin contrary to your first declaration the other is negated. But never fear, your the one in charge of your thoughts after a time of consciously shifting your words. your belief (faith) will follow. as results begin to be obvious so to will be your faith.

When the deciples ask Jeshua what diet they should follow, his response was," I would worry more about what comes out of your mouth rather than what goes in." Spirituality is in the present moment. Religion is in the past. Stay in the present moment, realize that your words are creating with God right now. Change your words. Become conscious about what you are creating and realize that ,"How?" is not a question you have to ask. Because God said ,"Ask and you shall receive" He/She did not say," Ask and if you can figeure out how I'll give it to you" To ask is your job. God/Universe/ Source/ Goddess, whatever you call it's job is bringing it to your experience. If you need to know how wait until it is in your experience then look back and marvel at the divine path to your experience.

If my friend declared, "I AM reading it everyday. I am renewing my faith I am having a fun time with it." What would she experience? What is she consciously creating witht he above statements. The interesting thing is she was already directly creating with source. The realization that all she has to do is shift to a optimistic creation and she would have the exp;erience she desires.

Each of us is on the cutting edge of creation. We have the power to have any experience we desire. That was the promise. All we have to do is believe it and even that is our choice. I thank her for sending me the message, it gave me the opportunity to clarify.

God doesn't want followers. God wants creators.

Go create joyfully and know we are changing the world for the better.

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Friday, May 8, 2009


When I look back upon my life, there are things that were painful, things that were joyful, and things that just were. Each of these moments make up the life I am living now. Each was a product of my creation with God. I can look back and focus on the painful events and look for the the positive result in them. Sometimes we ask for something and the only way we can get it is by having a negative experience so that we may arrive at the moment of our creating. We can look back and focus on the joyful moments and be greatful for the experiences. I look back at look at the results.

I have seen many amazing things in my life. I followed my heart from the beginning. When my family thought I should be starting a 9-5 career, I went on the road as a renaissance festival performer. I traveled all over the United States and eventually twenty seven countries. I have seen apparitions and miracles performed. I have seen and experienced pure love emotionally and physically. I have looked into my child's eyes and seen everything.I am grateful for many many things. Most of all I am grateful for the experiences, Good and Bad, as I am the one who created each and each has brought me to a new understanding of myself. Each has been a blessing in the end.

Look back upon your life remember where you were focused at the time and see the pattern in the creations of your life. Be grateful for each and every event. Be also grateful for the awareness that, YOU, are creating, and focus on bringing the positive to your life.

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You

Thursday, May 7, 2009

You are the Avatar

"Greater works than I have done you will do," "It is your faith that heals you," " You are the children of God" Each of these statements from an avatar of the past tell us that we are as he was and is. We each set the limits of our potential and since we set the limits then we are truly limitless. The source of all that is, God, Universal consciousness, mother earth, whatever you call it creates whatever we ask of it. Our unconscious creations have brought us to where we are at this moment in time.

The Avatar takes the role by stepping into conscious creation with the source. The,"Greater works" are your conscious creations that will indeed alter humanity. I use the term "humanity" as a reference to the experience we are living. There is an expression that is used frequently in metaphysical circles, "We are spiritual beings having a human experience." The experience of humanity is an illusion created to experience the seperation from the source. It is the realization of this fact that each Avatar of the past reached to step into the role of Avatar.

The illusion is created in thought, word and deed. It is the rending of seperation that allows us to become the christ, the buddha, the Krishna, The Mohammed. Each of these enlightened Avatars laid down the illusion that is created through fear as an example for us to follow. In truth you must be "born again." Children are fearless and love unconditionally. In coming to the state of love that we were as children we are in fact seeing beyond the illusion. Watch an infants eyes as they gaze around the room and notice when they notice things. Many times in your illusion nothing is there. The child sees far more than any of us.

"What you think, you become," when Buddha spoke those words he followed them with,"You create your world." The mere focus begins a creation the conscious declaration of achieving your desire is asking of source. and it is written "Ask and you shall receive." Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita says," When a person is devoted to something with complete faith, I unify his faith in that. Then, when his faith his completely unified, he gains the object of his devotion.” Realize that you are creating in this moment. You are on the cutting edge of creation, on the bow of your ship, wheel in hand, on the sea of possibility.