Monday, March 30, 2009

Fear is the Devil

As I said earlier in a post, the word "Satanus" which became translated to "Satan" when linguists study it today discover it means "an opposing force". I am a believer that God is Love and Fear is the opposite of love. Fear is the opposing force of Love and Love is God. Fear is the detroyer of lives, friendships, marriages, and relationships in general. Fear is the trespasses of which we ask forgiveness. Fear is the trespasses of which we must forgive. To be in fear is painful. It hurts the heart, the mind, and the body. It damages lives. Pray that you not become tempted by your fear and lead into a dark place. A place from which you may not return. Remember you are in control of your fear. The "Devil" has no power unless the power is given to it.


Over time friendships change. They start innocently enough usually based on fun experiences. Over time you open yourself up more an more to your friends. You become relaxed which is wonderful. It is a great experience, as it should be. When either you or your friend slip into fear, you begin to rely more and more on your friends until they become crutches for you. Interestingly enough as they become a crutch for you, you become a crutch for them. enabling fear to live with you.

This life given to fear is a rapid spiral downward unless frequently checked. Each friend relies on the other to validate their worthiness. The need for validation is a product of fear. The spiral slips down further into fear and then when all else fails the fear becomes directed at the friend. Because the fear is now coming from one so close the damage is more. Boundaries are built and friendships alter. Each becomes less open to each other and a rebuilding has to begin. Unless of course the frindships continue down the fear spiral into an ending of the friendship.

Doors do not have to stay closed to these ended friendships. No Bridges have to be burned. Choose love over fear and accept that love is always correct. Take responsibilty for your fearful acts. It is the only thing you can do. If the other decides to end the friendship, that does not mean you have to. Hold them in your heart in love. Always be their friend and in time that love will attract love in return. Sometimes they never return and stay mired in fear, love them all the more. For only love conquers fear. Walk into the light out of the fear and in love keep an eye for the friend lost in fear. Always have your hand ready to pull them from the mire. The relationship will be different, probably stronger, but definitely different.

God Bless all who fall into the spiral of fear and be a beacon for their return to love. I bless the friends of mine with whom this has happened and I ask forgiveness for my trespasses into fear and pray they will still have a hand out when I am in need.

Thank you

Thank you

Thank you

Saturday, March 21, 2009

My prayer formula

Over the years I have come to see many positive results from prayer. I slowly refined the way I pray. I first realized to see results of a prayer it has to be a prayer in the present moment. Next I have to be grateful for the result I have already achieved. The bible says whatsoever we wish ask in God's name. Moses climbed a mountain and talked to God in the form of a burning bush. At the end of that conversation Moses asked God his name. God said," I AM" Then I have to declare it in the present moment.

So I start my prayer formula with Gratitude:

Thank you God

I then move to the object of my prayer:

For the___(Whatever I am asking for)___________

I move on to God's Name:


Next is the action step:


Now to end in the present moment:


The word Amen when translated means, " So be it" not so, "it will be," or so it was"

Thank you God for the Healing I AM recieving Amen.

The next step is faith. I have to believe that it is true and act accordingly. In using this formula over the years I have seen it work every time. Give it a try and watch the miracles happen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

"Daddy I know everything"

Tonight at dinner my Five year old professed to me, "Daddy I know everything" " Do you?" I responded. He smiled and told me he did. "What is everything?" I asked. "I know that apples and cherries are red" he confidently snapped back. He knew full well that his response answered my question. He was sure the conversation wouldn't continue down that vein. "Is that everything?" I continued, just to see where it would go. " "it's enough" was his response.

Our experiences are draped with knowledge. Each one of us has had multiple experiences as have our families and friends, friends of friends, and neighbors and so on and so on. I have a faith that tells me we are all connected. We are more than what our mirrors reflect back to us. As one, the knowledge must be a communal property, a shared file. Psychics for years have delved into the unversal consciousness to pull information during readings. here was my five year old telling me he know's everything. I think he is right, and as he delves deeper into his interests, the knowledge will be there for the plucking. Like an apple or cherry from a tree. The knowledge is there for the taking. Pluck what is "enough," and be grateful for the resource of universal knowledge. At five years old apples and cherries are red is enough. He made me smile.


Plans are made. Schedules set. Your mind is made up. Then the call comes from your Ex, "Can you take Kynan after school Tomorrow?" Extra time?!!! The Hell with Plans, Away with schedules, The mind doesn't skip a beat in changing. I nurture the love in my life. I ask god for more of the same and he always gives. The smile upon my face is because of the give and take of love. Nothing shows me the Love of God more than my son and I am grateful!!! Know what is important in your life. What is the right thing to do for your experience of love? To be loving is to be loved. I can not be more grateful!




Sunday, March 15, 2009


I recently recieved an email from a woman who decided I was in danger from, "The Evil One" and I was on a path,"away from God, not toward him." After reading the stories posted on , She decided that what I was doing was dangerous, saying that I was creating, a whole new set of dogmas and religion ,"No one can make up a religion like making your selection in the cafeteria line.,". She wrote . I responded that I respected her beliefs and honored her path thanks for the concern. She responded saying I was trying to glorify myself and that I was "insecure and ignorant."

I am always saddened by the fear people feel created by organized religions. I believe that the kingdom of God is within each of us and it is through our own doorway that we will reach the place of promise. Anyone who knows me knows that I never expect anyone to believe what I believe. I come to my beliefs through my own personal experiences and share them as a means for others to see they are not alone.

When one is raised in a fear based state, anything that is different from those beliefs is ,"Dangerous." I honor the paths that each of us take to the source but when i see people judge others for their personal beliefs it reminds me that there is a lot of fear in the world. Occasionally that fear will reach out and try to pull you in. She judged that I was Dangerous, Ignorant, and Insecure because I did not believe as she did.

I explained that in her faith, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammed, Ghandi, and a myriad of others were currently burning in hell for their sins of not being catholic. She told me that she never found it to wrong to defend her faith. I asked who she was defending against as I never contacted her. She reached out to judge my faith in fear. I hope that our conversation has allowed her to look in love and not the opposing force, fear.As in all things I am grateful for the experience, I continue as I was, serving. I pray that she will choose to find the peace and contentment I have in my faith. I love you all.

Thank You

Thank You

Thank You